"Grow Your Why” is a compelling collection of stories featuring 23 heartfelt narratives from diverse contributors. These stories delve into pivotal moments that shaped and defined the authors' lives. As you immerse yourself in the book, you'll embark on a transformative journey where stories become the bridge between hearts, and purpose becomes the driving force behind our shared human experience. Each story demonstrates that if we live on purpose no matter where we are on our journey, nothing and no one can stop us.
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Each story will touch your heart. Enjoy! Our hope for this book is to inspire you to share your stories. Your story matters! Please let us know your thoughts about the inspirational stories. We would be so grateful if you wrote a review.
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Each story is about what the authors discovered about themselves and what they were passionate about that made them realize there is a purpose for them to be here.
Contributing authors: Craig Shapiro, Celeste Endo, Dr. Walter Greason,
Dr. Ilene Winokur, Traci Browder, Melisa Hayes. and Jillian DuBois
Click here to learn more about these inspirational authors under Section 1
Each story has something that surprised the authors along their journey which gave them a reason to get up each morning and the process they went through to redefine their purpose.
Contributing authors: Rich Simpson, Nicole Biscotti, Hedreich Nichols, Erika Sandstrom, Charles Williams, Jennifer D. Klein, Noa Daniel, and Kecia McDonald
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Each story is about how the authors were challenged to push themselves, redefine what they were passionate about, and how they advocate for their purpose.
Contributing authors: Dr. Sarah Thomas, Evo Hannan, Livia Chan, Dr. Sheldon Eakins, Stephanie Rothstein, Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth, Rita Wirtz, and Federico Josué (Josh) Tovar
Click here to learn more about these inspirational authors under Section 3